Upcoming Compliances for Private Limited Companies in the FY2024-25


As the financial year progresses, it is crucial for businesses and directors to stay informed about upcoming compliance deadlines to avoid penalties and ensure smooth operations. Here is an overview of the key upcoming compliance requirements to be reported by Companies to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) under the Companies Act, 2013 (Act): 

S. No.Form NameApplicabilityDue DateDetails RequiredConsequences of Non-Compliance
1MSME Form IMSME Form I is applicableto all companies thatreceive goods or servicesfrom micro or smallenterprises and whosepayments to theseenterprises exceed 45 daysfrom the date ofacceptance or the date ofdeemed acceptance of thegoods or services.The ling of FormMSME-1 is required twicea year (half yearly):● For the period from01 April 2024 to 30September 2024,the due date is 31October 2024.● For the period from01 October 2024 to31 March 2025, thedue date is 30 April2025.●Total outstandingamount due to MSMEsuppliers as of thereporting date.● Name of the supplierand their PAN.● Date from which theamount is due.● The reasons for thedelay in payments.Failure to le Form MSME-1can lead to penalties andnes for the defaultingcompany. The MCA canlevy nes on the companyand its ofcers in default,making it crucial forcompanies to adhere tothe ling requirementsdiligently.
2Form DIR-3 KYCForm DIR-3 KYC isapplicable to all individualswho have been allotted aDirector IdenticationNumber (DIN) and arerequired to update theirKYC details annually. Thisannual compliance ensuresthat the personalinformation of directors isaccurate and up-to-date onthe MCA database, therebyenhancing the transparencyand integrity of corporategovernance.The due date for lingForm DIR-3 KYC for FY2024-25 is 30September 2024.● Personal mobilenumber and emailaddress.● Address proof andidentity proof.● Aadhar and PANnumbers.● Passport in case ofForeign DirectorsFailure to le the FormDIR-3 KYC within the duedate results in thedeactivation of the DIN.Reactivation of DIN requiresling of Form DIR-3 KYCalong with a late fee of INR5,000/-. Thisnon-compliance canrestrict the director fromparticipating in anybusiness activities until theDIN is reactivated.
3Form AOC-4All companies registeredunder the Companies Act,2013, including privatelimited companies, publiclimited companies,one-person companies, andsmall companies, must leForm AOC-4 annually. Thisform is used for ling thenancial statements of a company with the MCA. Thisincludes the balance sheet,prot and loss account, andother relevant documents. Itis a mandatory requirementunder Section 137 of theCompanies Act, 2013.The due date for lingAOC-4 is within 30 daysof the date of the AnnualGeneral Meeting (AGM)for all companies exceptOPCs. (For OPCs – 180days from end of thenancial year).● Financial statementsincluding balancesheet and prot andloss account● Directors’ report● Auditors’ report● Details of related partytransactions● Corporate socialresponsibility (CSR)activities, if applicableNon-filing of Form AOC-4,Form MGT-7/ Form MGT-7Awithin the due date canlead to heavy penalties andadditional fees. Continuednon-compliance may alsoresult in the companybeing struck off from theRegister of Companies bythe Registrar. Additionally, the directors of thecompany may facedisqualication underSection 164(2) of theCompanies Act, 2013. Thisdisqualication can preventthem from being appointedas directors in any othercompany for a period ofve years, signicantlyimpacting theirprofessional reputation andability to engage incorporate governance.
4FormMGT-7 /FormMGT-7AAll Small Companies andOne Person Companies shallle Form MGT-7A. Everyother company registeredunder the Companies Act,2013 is required to le FormMGT-7 annually.This form is the annualreturn that companies mustle with the MCA, detailingthe company’s shareholdingstructure, changes indirectorship, and other keyinformationThe due date for lingMGT-7 is within 60 daysfrom the date of theAGM.● Registered ofce andprincipal businessactivities● Details of shares,debentures, and othersecurities● Particulars of holding,subsidiary, andassociate companies● Members anddebenture holders’information● Details of directors,key managerialpersonnel, andchanges therein● Meetings ofmembers/class ofmembers/board/committees of the board● Remuneration ofdirectors and keymanagerial personnel● Penalties andpunishments imposedon the company, itsdirectors, or officers


Keeping up with compliance deadlines is essential for the smooth functioning and legal standing of any business. Companies must ensure timely reporting of forms with the MCA to avoid penalties and legal repercussions. It is advisable to maintain a compliance calendar and set reminders well in advance to ensure that the applicable lings are completed within the stipulated time frame. 

Compliance Calendar 2024 – A Complete Checklist



In today’s fast-paced corporate world, the cost of non-compliance can be severe, ranging from hefty financial penalties to significant reputational damage. For any business, understanding and adhering to regulatory requirements is not just a legal obligation but a crucial aspect of operational integrity. To assist companies in navigating this complex landscape, we’ve developed a detailed Compliance Calendar for the year 2024-25. Following this schedule meticulously can safeguard your business from unwanted legal consequences and ensure that you meet all necessary regulatory deadlines.

What is a Compliance Calendar?

Think of a compliance calendar as your personalized roadmap to regulatory bliss. It outlines key deadlines for filings, reports, and other obligations mandated by various governing bodies. From taxes and accounting to industry-specific regulations, a comprehensive compliance calendar ensures you meet all your requirements on time, every time.

Why is a Compliance Calendar Crucial?

A Compliance Calendar acts as a strategic planner for all statutory dues dates and compliance activities that need to be completed throughout the year. It serves as a proactive tool to manage and ensure that all company obligations are met on time. For businesses, small or large, staying ahead of compliance deadlines means:

  • Avoiding Legal Pitfalls: Late filings or non-compliance can lead to fines, penalties, or more severe legal repercussions.
  • Maintaining Operational Efficiency: Regular compliance helps in smooth operations and avoids last-minute rushes that can disrupt business processes.
  • Upholding Corporate Reputation: Being known as a compliant organization enhances stakeholder confidence and maintains your business’s goodwill in the market.

Key Compliance Requirements for 2024

Our compliance calendar includes essential monthly, quarterly, and annual compliance tasks to ensure your business operates smoothly and legally. Here’s a breakdown of major compliance milestones you need to track:

Monthly Compliances

  • GST Return Filings: Ensure timely submission to avoid penalties.
  • TDS Deposit and Returns: Critical for businesses deducting taxes at source.

Quarterly Compliances

  • ESIC and PF Filings: Stay compliant with employee benefit regulations.
  • Advance Tax Payments: Manage your tax liabilities effectively by making quarterly advance tax payments.

Annual Compliances

  • Annual Return and Financial Statements Filings: Key documents that need to be filed with the Registrar of Companies.
  • Income Tax Return Filings: Ensure accurate and timely filings to avoid any discrepancies.

Specific Compliance Requirements

  • Appointment and Re-appointment of Auditors (Form ADT-1): Critical for maintaining transparent financial audits.
  • Commencement of Business (Form INC-20A): A declaration by directors that must be filed within 180 days of incorporation.
  • Board Meetings: Companies are required to hold a minimum number of board meetings annually; details vary by company type.

Documents and Provisions

Each compliance requirement comes with specific documentation needs and legal provisions. For instance:

  • Form MBP-1 for the disclosure of interest by directors should be handled annually and at every new appointment.
  • Compliance with Section 139 of the Companies Act, 2013 for auditor appointments ensures legality and adherence to corporate governance standards.


Adhering to a structured compliance calendar helps in mitigating risks associated with non-compliance. This guide serves as a roadmap to help your business navigate through the maze of statutory requirements efficiently.

By leveraging a compliance calendar and following these tips, you can transform compliance from a burden into a manageable process. Remember, staying compliant protects your business, saves you money, and allows you to focus on growth and success. So, take control, conquer compliance, and make 2024 your year of regulatory mastery!